Supporting Traditional Owners, Custodians and their ranger teams and communities on Australian sandalwood lands

  • Traditional Owners of Australian Sandalwood are supported to become part of a growing and emerging Aboriginal sustainable sandalwood sector in WA.

  • ‘Green economies’ for Traditional Owners mean improved self-determination and ability to care for Country and Community. 

  • KFDF fund targeted training programs by sandalwood experts for existing and aspiring Aboriginal sandalwood enterprises to navigate the strict regulatory and legislative frameworks in place in culturally safe ways.

  • Supporting Jobs on Country for culturally strong economic outcomes.




Traditional Owners need resourcing and supporting to join the lucrative sandalwood industry in West Australia.  This new and emerging Aboriginal-led sandalwood industry showcases the ‘right way’ to manage sandalwood sustainably drawing on Traditional Knowledge of land management and sandalwood for thousands of years. 

Supporting Traditional Owners, Custodians and their ranger teams and communities on Australian sandalwood lands in WA is KFDF’s mission.  Our sandalwood partners will ensure the sustainability of sandalwood lands, preserve and regenerate the species and protect their cultural heritage for future generations.

Through these initiatives, KFDF not only promotes the sustainable management of sandalwood but also strengthens community ties and cultural practices. By empowering Traditional Owners with the knowledge and resources needed to manage their lands, we aim to create a future where Indigenous peoples of Western Australia can care for their sandalwood country, community, and culture, ensuring the longevity of both the species and their heritage.

In collaboration with Aboriginal entities such as Registered Native Title Prescribed Body Corporates (RNTBCs) and Aboriginal Corporations, KFDF offers a comprehensive capability program designed to support Aboriginal entities in establishing sustainable sandalwood enterprises. This program encompasses several key initiatives:

Sandalwood Assessment Training
We fund the provision of specialised training that equips participants with the skills to assess sandalwood resources accurately. This training ensures that harvesting practices are sustainable and aligned to existing regulatory and legislative frameworks.  Participants gain hands-on experience in sandalwood management and ecology, conservation, regenerative cultivation, supporting their leadership in the Aboriginal sustainable sandalwood industry.

Resourcing Sandalwood Regeneration
KFDF provides resources and support for Aboriginal-led initiatives aimed at regenerating naturally occurring sandalwood and sandalwood enterprises. By leveraging traditional knowledge and contemporary monitoring and pest management techniques, we assist communities in restoring sandalwood populations on their lands.

Wrap Around Support
We assist entities to achieve their enterprise goals which also include cultural and community objectives. This includes support in areas such as governance, business development, and capacity building, ensuring that these organizations can sustainably manage sandalwood resources and benefit economically.