We partner with Indigenous-led entities to support their cultural, environmental, economic and social goals. We align our strategic focus areas with our partners’ themes - Healthy Country and Strong Communities.
Our role is vital in empowering Aboriginal entities by providing financial support and resources for their projects and initiatives.
By prioritizing community-driven goals, the foundation funds a variety of programs that enhance cultural heritage, education, health, and economic development within Aboriginal communities that are connected to Sandalwood lands in WA.
Through strategic partnerships and collaborative efforts, the foundation aims to uplift Indigenous voices, promote self-determination, and foster sustainable growth, ensuring that Aboriginal communities on sandalwood lands thrive.
We support Traditional Owners to achieve viable, regenerative economies based on their sandalwood.
Our Vision 2030 is to reduce biodiversity loss on sandalwood ecosystems protected by Traditional Owners and their Ranger Groups.
Restoring Lands
Enabling a regenerative economic model
Forging collaborative partnerships
We support the protection of culture, skills and wellbeing of future Custodians and accelerate the intergenerational transfer of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TECK) with our youth ranger program.
Our Vision 2030 is to mobilise community leaders and self-governance to achieve their culture, business, learning and employment goals.
Mobilising communities
Fostering intergenerational learning
Resourcing capabilities & developing skills