Our Mission is to regenerate, preserve, and restore Australian Sandalwood in WA by supporting community-led entities to achieve their Country, Community and Cultural objectives.
We fund, coordinate and support our program partners in the following key areas.
Resourcing Sandalwood Regeneration under Aboriginal Management
We fund sandalwood regeneration, restoration and conservation initiatives on sandalwood lands under Aboriginal Management. We build long-term funding partnerships to support existing and emerging Aboriginal entities, who are Custodians of Sandalwood Country, to reach their healthy sandalwood objectives.
OUTCOMES we work towards:
Australian Sandalwood is regenerated, restored and protected by its Custodians, Traditional Owners and communities.
Custodians, Traditional Owners and communities on sandalwood country have the confidence, expertise and knowledge in sandalwood ecology, both traditional and contemporary methods and practices.
Resourcing Aboriginal-led Country, Culture & Community Goals
We fund existing and emerging Aboriginal entities, who are Custodians of Sandalwood Country, to reach their Country, Cultural and Community objectives.
OUTCOMES we work towards:
Traditional Owners are empowered to restore, regenerate and manage their sandalwood Country leveraging their traditional knowledge and land management practices
Traditional Owners are enabled to lead community-led development goals that foster community development and unity.
Traditional Owners are enabled to strengthen their cultural leadership and transfer cultural knowledge on to future Custodians.
Resourcing and Supporting Aboriginal-led Capability Goals
We support the development and capability goals of Custodians of Sandalwood in WA covering the three main areas of knowledge, skills, and access to resources.
OUTCOMES we work towards:
Traditional Owners have the confidence, expertise and knowledge to reach their Country, Community and Culture goals.
Communities have the skills and structural support needed to reach their Country, Community and Cultural aspirations.
Communities have sufficient funds with appropriate funding mechanisms in place to carry out their Country, Community and Cultural programs